Alyssa Robinson
The following is days 2 & 3 of my food journal, which is part of our research for the Collaborative Research Project:

April 7th

Egg rolls
Noodles with shrimp
Mint chocolate chip ice cream
Chicken marsala
Peas and rice

    - I ate both lunch and dinner at the cafeteria today.  As usual, I just chose what looked most appetizing.  I made sure to get a lot of peas, because I know that I don't get as many vegetables as I should on campus.

Twix bar
    - I was in the library doing work for a few hours, so I turned to the vending machine for a late night snack.  I did not consider the nutritional value of this.

April 8th

Dunkin Donuts sesame seed bagel
    - I went to the art museum with a friend this morning, so we stopped at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. 

Mac and cheese
Green beans
Egg rolls
    - I took advantage of the buffet in the cafeteria for dinner today. I didn't really think about anything I ate, other than the green beans.  I always try to incorporate some sort of vegetable into my meal. 

    - The cafeteria unfortunately serves dessert every single day.  Some days I can't resist, despite how bad I know it is for me.

    - I try to keep healthy snacks like these in my apartment.  I try to buy things that are low in fat and calories.

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